Extending financial assistance
to students and families within
the West Ada School District
22 years young and still going
Feb 6, 2022 @ 10am
Meriwether Cider Company - 5242 W Chinden
Join Meriwether Cider Company, Nerds to the Rescue and Phoenix Fire Games for board games and brunch. 10% of proceeds will go to Project Kids or donate directly.

Donating to Project Kids
means helping
students and their families in
the West Ada School District
Project Kids currently has 3 initiatives that we are seeking funding for.
Unmet basic needs of students and families experiencing homelessness.
Fees and equipment support to participate in sports and extra curricular activities.
Transportation costs from West Ada School District schools participating in Operation School Bell.
A big thank you to KBOI for the recent coverage profiling how Project Kids helps Pay It Forward!