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SUPPORT OUR students


Extending financial assistance to the students and families within the West Ada School District


Reaching kids, supporting families, building communities.



Project Kids provides financial assistance both directly and indirectly. Funds provided directly through various activities such as gift cards given to school teachers and counselors to purchase items needed by children and their families. In addition, Project Kids funds provides: scholarships for attendance to the Boys and Girls Club of Ada County; school registration; utility bills and prescription medications. Indirectly Project Kids financially supports, through donations, the weekend Backpack Food program and the Milk program at the Meridian Food Bank.

Upcoming events

Do The Right Day at Dutch bros.

Friday, April 8 is the Meridian "Do the Right Day" and Dutch Bros. Coffee is more than doing their part by donating $1 from all sales on "Do the Right Day" to Project Kids! Please consider helping the cause by swinging by a Dutch Bros. location, buy an envirgorating drink, and know that you are helping local area kids in need!















More info coming soon!

Extending financial assistance
to the students and families within
the West Ada School District

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